A Pure Cake-Loving Summer

Loving Dairy-Free Cakes
Greetings Cakes Purists

Summer has been pretty flippin busy.

Radio Appearance
First, I appeared on the Fred Macauley Show on BBC Radio Scotland.  We did a great cake-tasting session with a nutritionist.  She extolled the virtues of Love Pure Cakes and stated absolutely categorically that
"no-one can digest gluten"
I decided to do a fun guessing game with Fred.  I asked him to taste the Seaweed and Polenta Cake and guess the ingredients ... He thought I'd put fried onions on the cake and was bemused that seaweed had landed on it instead.

Once I get Radio Scotland to send me a copy of the feature, I'll upload it here for you.

International Women's Day
I was asked by the Chamber of Commerce to give a talk on entrepreneurship in celebration of International Women’s Day at Surgeons Hall.

The event was greatly attended and had an interesting symposium with lots of interest in how I have approached, positioned and launched Love Pure Cakes to the market.

Bite Magazine
Bite Magazine did a lovely photo and feature of Love Pure Cakes and Gaynor of Loopy Lorna's.  They describe the Pure Love Cake fans as
"Cake lovers, coeliacs, vegans and health food enthusiasts alike."

Check it out here

The Scotsman
Our national newspaper, The Scotsman, did a wee feature called "There'll Be Gluttony But No Gluten".

Great headline, don't you think?  You can have a look here

Edinburgh Spotlight
There was a HUGE right-up in the lovely Edinburgh Spotlight - a local webzine written by locals "dedicated to all aspects of Edinburgh for visitors and residents alike."  Alison, the reviewer, also kindly stated:
"It’s clear that an abundance of love goes into making each cake"
You can see the article in full here.

What About You?
How was your summer?  Was it good food-wise?  Did you manage to keep it healthy? Have you already bitten the Autumn bullet for heavier foods?  Drop me a comment in the box below.  I'd love to hear about it.

Purely yours,
Lorna x


  1. My goodness! How do you manage to find the time to bake cakes?! You're getting some great publicity which is certainly no bad thing!

    The salad season passed me by (rotten weather) so the winter food bug has truly bitten. Any plans for a festive Christmas range?

  2. Hi Maureen, I've been asking myself that question too...
    I'm making an Apple and Plum Crumble this month and working on a Pumpkin & Orange one for October....
    When I'm passing I'll drop a wee loafette off to you.
