Day #3 Cake Diet

Dieting has never been better!  Reading Gordon's words of experience, it's clear to me that there has been a significant paradigm shift of relationship with food which is fantastic.  Thank you again Gordon as per below.

Power Lunch Club posted toLove Pure Cakes
Sesame Seed Bar for Breakfast
4 Orange Pepper Muffins for Lunch
Carrot & Tomato Nut Loaf 
Day 3 of my Healthy Eating week with Love Pure Cakes and Lorna continues to deliver a variety of amazingly tasty high quality meals to continue my healthy eating and help to create long term good eating habits.

As I said in my previous entry, you can view what Lorna has created for the menu on her website.

I’ll focus now more on what is happening and the things I have noticed about my eating habits and how they have been changing this week and of course the results that I have been getting, even after 3 days.

I don’t know it is has been the incredible flavours or the wonderful variety of textures of food, but I have been chewing more. The consequence is that I am sitting enjoying the experience of what I am eating and savouring the wonderful tastes. I read on several websites that it is as important at the food itself that you chew at least 30 times (who would have thought that even this formed part of good eating habits), A) it helps the food go down the oesophagus easier, causing less strain, B) food is digested better in the stomach, therefore making it easier for the nutrients and vitamins to be absorbed by the body and finally, C) helps you experience the full flavour of what you are eating. A side even to this simple act of chewing is that you find yourself eating less. Your brain seems to send the signal that you are full now, so don’t need to eat any more. 

When you spend this time thinking about what you put into your body it all become clearer about the fact that the changes you make on inside (i.e all the good food I have been eating this week) are what makes the good changes on the outside happen. Now yesterday I weighed myself, and had lost 4 lbs, which is of course great. I won’t weigh myself again till the end of this. I am not in denial, I know I have a long way to go. The focus that Lorna’s diet has given me is about changing my eating habits and looking at what foods I am eating and what they are doing for me.

The energy that comes with this diet to get thing done is astounding. Here I am sitting at my computer of a evening writing a little piece for Lorna’s blog; usually I would be either be laying sleeping on the couch because I have crashed out while watching some TV or I have gone to bed early because I am tired out.

I also tried on a couple of shirts in my wardrobe that I haven’t worn for a long time and they fitted!! Even after 4 days on Lorna’s diet. I do so hope that floral pattern and big collars will come back into fashion again.

My skin continues to clear up too, I have had for a couple of months as I had said dry flaky skin on the palms of my hand and foot and it itched liked crazy. But it has significantly died down.

It’s amazing how also your tastes change. I am far more tempted from a handful of cherry tomatoes as a snack now rather than having a few choccy biccies.
Finally yesterday meals were terrific and I am sure day 4 will be as good, but I know this will be a tough one temptation wise as I have a Power Lunch Club (PLC) meeting which will have a buffet. But to ensure that I stay on the diet I have invited Lorna along to the meeting so she can bring me my lunch and keep me on the path.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and joining me in my cake diet.

Lorna x

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