A Testimonial from one of the Cake-Dieters
After observing the effect that this regime had on Lorna when she was trying it for one week, I wanted to try it myself. So I decided that, even although I know it seems expensive, it could even out if I didn’t have to go to the supermarket . One week’s food was delivered on the Friday. I refrigerated the portions for Sat and Sun and put the rest in the freezer, labelled:- Mon lunch, Mon dinner etc.
Breakfasts - 1granola or oat/nut bar and herbal tea.
Lunches - (defrosted) savoury muffin heated in a pre-heated oven for 8 minutes at 180C, spinach and pine nut sauce(I heated this on the tin plate with the muffins) and small mainly green salad.
Protein drink
Dinner - (defrosted) veg and nut loaf, heated in a pre-heated oven for 30 mins at 160C, super food condiment and cooked green veg.
A Cake for sweet.
I had a large glass of water with lunch and dinner.
The amount of chewing necessary with this food is also beneficial for the digestive system.
The food was excitingly different and so very tasty, I also loved the different textures.
I came to realise that my life previously had revolved mainly around food – thinking up menus, shopping for fresh produce, preparing the food and cooking it each day.
In the past, I frequently had lunch out.
On the LovePureCakes regime I almost completely stopped thinking about food and gradually realised that I was feeling very free and unburdened.
I also gradually realised that my energy levels and strength were increasing and I was feeling much calmer and more in control of my body.
If meeting friends during the regime week I had lunch/dinner before I met them and had a small salad with them, or just a cappuccino coffee (I didn’t feel the need for my usual sugar)/herbal tea/bloody Mary. I wasn’t hungry so didn’t feel deprived – one morning I went out after breakfast and didn’t get home till after 3pm but didn’t feel unduly hungry, just looked forward to my lovely savoury muffins when I came home.
I had an amazing boost of energy and strength during the week and felt that my immune system had massively increased – stopped feeling the cold so much and found it easy to ‘stay on the green’ during my 3 workouts at my Curves gym – I usually struggle.
Since finishing the week’s regime there is no way that I want to stop feeling this good, so I intend to incorporate it into my daily life, carefully re-introducing only best quality (smaller quantities – cost) foods and not having any mass produced, unnatural, chemically preserved foods – a tall order but the only way to continue feeling this good and calm.
I wouldn’t have believed that only one week on the Pure Food regime could have such a fundamental effect (for the better!) on my whole system.
I feel re-vitalised.
A huge Thank You Lorna.
Mary. Age 71
21st February 2012
work on your blog spot is veryyyy nice :)